As for me and my house

"Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Location: Small Town, TX, United States

Hey! This blog is all about us and what God is doing in our lives!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Blessings-- January 12, 2013

Cousins at Christmas 2012
Back-- Samuel and Caleb
Middle-- (my brother) Cody with Huxley, Landry, Boden, Luke, Max,          Benjamin
Front-- Sarah with Daxton, Natalie, Maya with Liberty

A Big Question

  Am I anxious about the things only God can accomplish and apathetic toward the things He means for me to tend to?

From Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest":

"We must never allow anything to injure our relationship with God; if it does get injured we must take the time and get it put right.  The main thing about Christianity is not the work we do, but the relationship we maintain and the atmosphere produced by that relationship.  That is all God asks us to look after, and it is the one thing that is being continually assailed."

God does not mean for me to worry or wonder or waste any time at all thinking of if or how I am being effective for Him.  We have no concept of what God is doing in, through, or with our lives if the truth be known!  We simply cannot know what God is aiming at!  What He does mean for me to pursue, and to pursue diligently, is Him.  It is the one thing I am responsible for and will be accountable for.  The results of that relationship are up to Him completely. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Natalie Adele

Natalie has just begun to blossom!  She is still very tiny in stature (not yet 18 pounds) but makes up for it in personality!  She just got her 5th tooth this week and has begun speaking non-stop baby babble that seems to make a lot of sense!  She says quite a few things that the kids and I can actually understand as her way of communicating-- Almost Words!  She loves to climb and play peek-a-boo.  She loves to be wherever her older siblings are, doing whatever they are doing.  And she especially loves it outside!  She will sit in the wagon or in her stroller while we go for walks talking contentedly about the things she sees.  She has such a sweet little personality-- cuddling up with whoever will read her a book, splashing happily in the tub, going down for bed-times and nap-times easily and without ordeal.  Her new-found amusement is throwing "trash" away in the trash can.  The only problem is her idea of trash and ours can be quite different!
Words and Almost-Words we hear her say on a consistent basis:
cu (cup)
husssss (horse)
borororo (puppy or dog)
dow (down, as she slaps on the edge of her high chair tray)
Rara (which means "Kids!  Where are you???")
deee-ah (deer!)  We have a lot of deer that roam our neighborhood freely so every time she spots one she yells out "dee-ah"! 


Something Michelle said to me this morning:

"God has given you the wisdom to be thankful so that you can enjoy intimacy with Him which is the only place to be fulfilled.  He will honor your praise whether it is from the overflow of joy you experience or an act of the will.  Your obedience and close relationship with Him show in your honesty with your own shortcomings and humble attitude." 

Psalm 146:2  "I will praise the Lord while I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being."
Psalm 147:3  "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Psalm 147:7  "Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises to our God!"

My verse this morning was Romans 5:3-5.  Hope and love-- two things God knows I am in great need of! 
"  We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

1.  I am so thankful today to have a friend who is praying for me!

2.  Sweet prayers of my children...something Sarah said really hit home for me....she was thanking God that He gives us tries and tries and more tries to walk with Him.  AMEN!  He is ever faithful!

3.  Natalie has been such a joy!  Smiles and hugs and sounds that are beginning to be words.  She and Ryan played and read books today!  Praise God for their growing relationship!

4.  That Benjamin wants to cuddle up in my lap every night during prayers.  Reminds me that my time as his Mommy is so short and I need to treasure each moment.

5.  Seeing Natalie lie down in the bathtub on her tummy and kick her legs.  Such fun splashing in the water!  Reminds me to enjoy life.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Sister

I just love this picture of my oldest and youngest daughters.  They have such a special relationship.  Sarah is constantly mothering Natalie, boosting her up to see the world from another perspective.  Protective, nurturing.   Natalie is completely trusting of her sister.  Nothing to fear, loved unconditionally , anxious to see things from Sarah's point of view.  What a special gift God has given our family with lots of children.  In all my wildest dreams or in the deepest parts of my heart, I could never have guessed the goodness God had in store for me. 

January 5, 2013

1.  Dancing with a cuddly Natalie after her nap

2.  Peach muffins for snack

3.  Cuddling in the rocker under a blanket with two babies for book time

4.  Hearing Boden hum to himself after he has been put in his bed at night

5.  A hot shower

The battle for my mind's space is constant.  How many times a day do I find myself dwelling on the negative-- negative thoughts, a negative reaction, a sigh that escapes which is evidence of the attitude of my heart.  Why does it take so much concentrated effort to be thankful and enjoy this great life God has blessed me with?  I live like a queen!  I have a beautiful home and five healthy children and a husband who comes home every night because he chooses to be with us.  Not to mention all the other blessing of full bellies and comforts that so many others don't enjoy. 

Lord, help me to guard my heart and mind for YOU!  Teach me to take those thoughts captive that dishonor YOU and replace them with thanksgiving!  Little by little Lord, little by little.  Amen

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

            Benjamin 9, Boden 3 1/2, Natalie 15 mos, Maya 10 1/2, Sarah 12                                                and Macaroni the Standard Poodle 9 mos

Back to the Basics

A few things I have loved today...

1.  Walking into the living room and seeing all five of my children sitting in front of the fireplace reading the new books we just picked out from the library.  Their ages?  12, 10, 9, 3, and 1!  So cute!

2.   Watching Maya play "babies" with Boden and Natalie for several hours this morning.  She even made them slings to carry their babies in!  And you should have tasted the goodies they baked in the Little Tykes kitchen!

3.  Hearing Ryan laugh at Boden when Boden made his funny faces around an orange peel at lunch.

4.  Big fluffy dog lying on my feet to warm them!

5.  Finishing a read-aloud book we have been working on for six weeks

6.  Apple crisp

7.  Coffee with homemade whipped cream

8.  An unexpected call from a thoughtful, faithful, loving friend and mentor whom I know is praying continually for our family

9.  Warm water whenever I want it straight from the tap

10.  Natalie, 15 months, folding her hands and bowing her head to pray before eating-- she was eating a snack alone and this was TOTALLY of her own initiative.  Sweet isn't the word for it!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3rd, 2013

As I'm sitting here by the fire, watching the flames burn down, I realize it has been a year since I blogged!  A year!  I could say, "where has the time gone?"  but that is too cliche.  As I look back, I regret that I don't seem to have been the reflective, thankful, "slow down and enjoy the precious small things" kind of mom this year.  I seem to have been more of the harried and worried and always tired mom who finds herself enduring rather than enjoying her family and home.  

So many precious moments.  So many precious days.  And I can't remember enough of any of them.  I can only recall the things I didn't get done, the days I felt frantic that I wasn't getting enough done.  WHAT is it that makes the desire to accomplish override the desire to BE?

to BE in the moment, embracing the gift of now.
to BE in relationship with the treasures of husband and children God has lovingly given.
to BE still and know God.

From Christmas 2011