As for me and my house

"Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Location: Small Town, TX, United States

Hey! This blog is all about us and what God is doing in our lives!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Amazing Things Our One-Year-Old Can Do!

1.  communicate with sign language....milk, more, Da-da, all-done, bath, diaper change, cat, bird, water
2.  drive a matchbox car around the room and make noises
3.  climb...the stairs, the dining room table, the computer desk, the picnic table!
4.  melt his Daddy's heart with a toothy grin
5.  find and successfully eat an apple out of the bottom of the pantry
6.  make his way out of the house and begin pruning my basil plants out on the porch
7.  say "Halleluiah" with us when we sing the "Halleluiah Song" in the mornings!
8.  pant like a dog when he sees the dogs
9.  hide enough spoons around the house that we don't have enough to eat with at breakfast
10. drink through a straw

But, he still can't sleep through the night!!!  That's okay though.  I don't really mind. 


Sunday, July 25, 2010

For Everything There is a Season

God has given us an exceptionally beautiful, mild summer. It is now the middle of July and still the days are temperate and everything is lush and green. The sage is in bloom now and the purples and pinks are breathtaking. To look across the field from my bedroom window I see a garden of deep greens and deeper greens, purples, pinks and grays. At times the view from my window has been dull and lifeless; remorseful and desolate. Now the desert is in full bloom and I am reminded that there is a season for all things.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Advanced Dining Techniques of the One Year Old

Apparently, it is no longer within etiquette regulations to just pop the food into your mouth when you find it under the dining room table....

In the new and advanced regulations, you must carry a spoon around with you and when you spy a piece of food under the dining room table, you must first pick it up and place it gingerly on your spoon before popping it into your mouth!

Just thought you should know.


Sing a New Song!

"He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God...." Psalm 40:3

As I continually struggle to renew my mind, confess my sin immediately upon recognition of it, and obey in all things, I am reminded not to dwell on these things but dwell on Christ who is in me. I can choose to sing the same old songs I have been singing to myself for a lifetime or I can choose today to sing a new song! A song of praise to my God!

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