As for me and my house

"Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Location: Small Town, TX, United States

Hey! This blog is all about us and what God is doing in our lives!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Kid Funnies

Benjamin:  I was staring off into space the other day and Benjamin started waving his hand in front of my face.  "Mama, mama!  I don't want you to be stare-i-lized!"

Maya:  She and I were discussing future spouse credentials so to say and she shyly let me know that it is the boys with long hair that she finds most cute.  "But," she was quick to add, "I always ask myself, are they kind, are they honest, do they love God... and you never know, God could have me marry a bald guy!"

Sarah:  "Mom, I'm starting to sweat.  I smell like you!"

