As for me and my house

"Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Location: Small Town, TX, United States

Hey! This blog is all about us and what God is doing in our lives!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Peace for the Journey

For all my homeschooling buddies out there, I thought I would write a quick up-date of what we are doing in that arena of life right now--
While most families are winding down school right now and getting ready for a break, we have just started our Sonlight Core program for the new year! (why not-- it's my school, I can schedule how I want to!) After several MAJOR distractions during the 1997-1998 school year (including but not limited to: 3 moves, 2 surgeries for Annette each requiring extensive recovery time, and adjusting to Ryan's new schedule) I came to the conclusion that school could just as well be done during the summer months as the winter (why not, we LOVE it anyway!) and am hoping to be "caught up" by Christmas. Here is what we will be doing this summer/fall:
We will all complete the Sonlight Core together and an art program I bought "just for fun"-- we will learn about shading, lines, colors, etc.-- we also have a daily bible study and scripture memory but this goes on whether we are "having school" or not
Maya is also working through " Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons"
Benjamin is doing a "Developing the Early Learner" program also purchased through Sonlight
Sarah is reading everything she can get her hands on (makes my Mommy heart and my teacher heart so proud!)
In the fall, I am going to start a math program I bought for each of them (Math U See) as well as a handwriting and language arts.

The scheduling and routine of things is still a pretty hard adjustment for me. Ryan works 6 week shifts, with rotating days off-- this means his shift changes every six weeks and we never know when his days off will be until about 2 weeks before. If anyone has ever dealt with this and learned to adjust please HELP! I have been praying about this for several months and I know God is slowly teaching me to LISTEN TO HIM! I want to just get a routine set in stone and then, by golly, do it everyday! But, this is not possible and I am having to be flexible but also more diligent with my time. Which means, I have to go to the Lord and then LISTEN much more often then when I was just "living life". Isn't God good to give us struggles so that we will turn to Him? Oh boy, does he love us! I love the days when Ryan is off-- not only because we get to spend our days together as a family but because he has picked up his guitar again and we have some awesome time of worship together! Some days we will have a late breakfast, then bible study and worship and by the time we are done it is almost lunch time! I would NEVER trade this precious time with him in order to keep to a schedule. (This is also an example of one of the really great reasons we home school!) But, sometimes not having a routine can be frustrating too! I want to manage our household well. I know this is a God-given desire so I know He will guide the way! (And bring me peace during the journey!)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're going to be using Sonlight in the fall. Still trying to settle on a program. I think I need to hit a convention soon.

May 18, 2008 at 8:41 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

How exciting! I think it's wonderful that y'all are starting school up now. I have already enjoyed working on letters, colors, and such with Kade and I look forward to all the things we get to learn together as he gets older! As far as it goes dealing with change and schedules, I have no advice or suggestions, but I can pray! I'm so glad there are so many things y'all are getting to enjoy though, like more time with Ryan and a time of awesome worship! Love ya!

May 18, 2008 at 10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for changing schedules, I'm your girl! Eric's schedule has changed every month for the past 3 yrs, and we have 3 more yrs on the horizon. We don't find out what his on-call schedule is going to be until about 2 days before the new month begins...making it diificult to plan for anything. It can be really, really frustrating at times, but the Lord is good to provide those special family moments when we're all together. It does become very difficult to keep a routine, but you just have to do so the best you can and allow yourself to take a deep breath and enjoy the times when you are forced to break from it. It took me a very long time to learn how to be flexible and to realize that life is just too short to worry about keeping a world-approved schedule. Your schedule has to be whatever works for you and your sweet family. Other people don't really understand it...though they try. So, you just have to know that the Lord is giving you whatever your "schedule" is at that moment as part of His perfect plan for your lives...and find joy in that...because there is great joy in every schedule if you keep your focus on the Master Scheduler!

May 19, 2008 at 2:04 PM  

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