As for me and my house

"Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Location: Small Town, TX, United States

Hey! This blog is all about us and what God is doing in our lives!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Live it out!

I have been thinking about so many things. Most of which have to do with praying for and honoring my husband and how I have so much to learn! But then, when I think about praying for and honoring my husband I am reminded that it doesn't matter how much I learn about it, or how convicted I am about doing it if I DON'T DO IT! Pursuing spirituality for spirituality sake could not be farther from what God wants. He calls us to ACT on his word. God never calls us to pursue spirituality. He does call us to OBEDIENCE. If I am focused on the pursuit of spirituality I am missing the point. I must seek and pursue the heart of God and obey the Word He has already given me. I must be sensitive to the spirit and obey His promptings.

Living on the paths of righteousness is not a guessing game or an emotional ride. Seek out God's heart through His word then ACT on what you learn. Period. This IS righteousness. This means captivate all those unfruitful thoughts roaming around in your head and renew your mind with scripture instead. This means guard your tongue. This means be a diligent worker at home. This means love your husband even when he doesn't "deserve" it or you don't feel like it. This means serve others as needs arise. This means praise the Lord and give Him thanks at all times. Did you ever notice all the verbs God uses in His word? He never intended us to read His word, learn His word and then sit around and talk about how great He is or how convicted we are. He intends us to LIVE it out.



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