As for me and my house

"Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Location: Small Town, TX, United States

Hey! This blog is all about us and what God is doing in our lives!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Time for Noise!

Has it really been so long since I last wrote? Where oh where does the time go? I am happy to report that Ryan's leg and really bad case of hives have pretty much cleared up. He is finishing up his last antibiotic. Thank you LORD for your healing hand!

The first week of July I had almost entirely to myself! I haven't had even a day to myself in over a year. In fact, I can't even remember several hours unless you count the 3 days I was in the hospital in November and then again in March (which I don't). That is one of the most difficult things about living way out west-- no loving family or friends waiting in line to watch your kids for an evening! Anyway, my sister-in-law decided it was Benjamin's turn to spend a week with them (Sarah and Maya had gotten to go with them in March when I had my second surgery) and he invited Maya to go with him; so off they went for the week to Onalaska, Texas (East Texas). My sister took Sarah home with her for the week and wa-la(!) all of a sudden, I had a whole week to do whatever it is I do (what do I do with a whole week to myself?) My list of things to do far outweighed the list of things not to do....

I did not get up early.
I did not cook.
I did not once eat when I was not hungry.
I did not wipe any bottoms or faces but my own.
I did not stop any arguments, whining, or bantering.
I did not watch any kid movies or read any kid books.
I did not make 1000 decisions per hour!

Ryan asked me on about day 2 if I was bored yet. I found this extremely hilarious! I think I could have had a whole month and not have gotten bored. I have a confession to make-- I love to be by myself! I loved the quiet and the time to think and I realize it may be another 8 years before I have this unique opportunity again so I made sure to enjoy it to the fullest! I think the thing I enjoyed the absolute most was the absence of the need to make all those tiny decisions we as moms must make minute to minute-- can you have another cookie, who had it first, does that deserve a spanking or just a time-out, how can I make this meal healthy and also enjoyable for everyone, should I let you stay up late just this once, how can I make this teachable moment a learning experience, why can't a dog and cat have a baby together called a dat......???? AHHHHH the rest from that alone was so wonderful!

I loved being able to sit for hours in the presence of the Lord...quiet. I loved feeling like I was getting a head start on the upcoming school year by planning and praying...quietly. I loved scrapbooking and not having to pick up after silence. I loved going for walks and not feeling the need to hurry home.... I guess all in all, you could say I was able to be still and it was so refreshing.

Of course, I was delighted to see the children again! Their stories and laughter and messes are a blessing all of their own style. We have been busy since they returned home. My sister came to stay a week with us, we went hiking twice and back to the Ranch for a couple of days, and they have been busy cutting and pasting and pasting and cutting for two days straight while I do some major clean out of our "school room". They are such a joy! I am so thankful God gave me a time to rest and be quiet. I am so thankful he has given me happy, noisy, active children. There is a time for quiet and a time for noise... now is the time for noise again!



Blogger Jill said...

Wow! I understand what you mean about needing time alone to be quiet and take a break from all those tiny decisions. So glad you were blessed with some time to yourself. And gled to hear that Ryan is doing better.

July 15, 2008 at 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so amazingly jealous! We haven't lived near family since....well, EVER! I'm waiting for the day my mom offers to fly the girls on an airplane to their house for the summer. Or maybe a week. Once I almost sent Scott and the girls to Florida (his parents) for a long weekend but never actually got around to doing it. My silence is for about 30 minutes every morning before Jenna realizes I'm up and wanders out of her room. :)

July 17, 2008 at 8:51 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

Sounds absolutely wonderful! You deserved some nice time to yourself! I'm glad you had a great little vacation and are enjoying being back with the kids again!

July 20, 2008 at 5:48 PM  

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